How to enable DocRead on a SharePoint Library

This guide shows how to activate DocRead to a SharePoint library so that documents in that library can be targeted to users

This post assumes that you have already installed the SharePoint DocRead app

You need to be a DocRead administrator to be able to activate DocRead in a SharePoint library.

  1. Navigate to the library where you want to install DocRead and click on the DocRead logo in the toolbar (if you cannot see the toolbar try refreshing the page by pressing CTRL+F5).

    Screenshot of SharePoint library with the DocRead logo in the toolbar

  2. In the Docread library setting panel click “Enable DocRead”.

    Screenshot of the DocRead library settings panel

  3. Select who will be the DocRead library owners for this library and click save.

    Library Owners need to have Contributor permissions on the SharePoint sites containing the libraries that they own.

Screenshot of the DocRead library settings panel showing the library owners control

  1. DocRead is now enabled on the library and you are ready to assign your first document.